Best in Class Awards 2025

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Applications close:

21 Sep

Finalists announced:

29 Sep

Winners announced:

5 Nov

Celebrating industry achievements

Established in 2016, these awards celebrate organisations and initiatives at the forefront of student and shared living, working, and learning. This year again, we strongly encourage everyone who is passionate about student and shared living to apply to celebrate your achievements together as a community.

November 5, 2025

Finalist selection

Finalists are selected by The Class Foundation. Team members assess applications separately and compare scores to select the finalists.

Jury assessment

The finalists' applications are sent to the jury separately. The Class Foundation then tallies their scores and weighs it for 85% of the total assessment.

Online voting

We will implement online voting to get our community engaged, excited, and inspired by the finalists. This weighs for 15% of the total assessment.

Best in Class Jury TBC

The jury is hand selected from best and brightest experts in the student living & higher education sectors.


Applications open


Applications close


Finalists announced


Voting opens


Voting closes - 18:00 CET


Winners announced

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Best Young Talent

An award recognizing the shining stars within our industry. This is for those talents that went the extra mile this year despite the unforeseen obstacles. The candidate should be up to the age of 35 and nominated by the employer or peers.

Who can apply

  • Any organisation working within student housing i.e., operators, developers, investors, service providers, government, higher education.

Application questions

To apply for this category, you will need to answer the below three questions. Each question will be evaluated based on a five-point scale and per answer there is a limit of 2000 characters.

  • How is the talent a change-initiator within or for their organisation and beyond?
  • Which ideas/processes has the talent put forward for the improvement of their organisation and/or the industry?
  • What positive impact has the talent had on their project or team? Please provide evidence supported by qualitative or quantitative data.

When applying, you will be allowed to upload a presentation to give the jury members a better impression through photos and videos.


Here's why:


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Best Student Housing Property

An award recognising public and/or private student accommodation that exemplifies the ultimate environment for student living. The award nominees create the best potential for their students to learn, grow, and gain lifelong memories through its community, services, facilities, and design. The property needs to have opened between 2024 - 2025.

Who can apply

  • Student housing investors, developers, and operators
  • Higher education institutions with on-campus accommodation
  • Architects and design firms

Application questions

To apply for this category, you will need to answer the below three questions. Each question will be evaluated based on a five-point scale and per answer there is a limit of 2000 characters.

  • Can you describe the brand and property’s strategy and philosophy?
  • What makes this property unique and innovative? This can relate to design, community-building, sustainability, diverse services/offerings etc.
  • How satisfied are students with the property? If possible, please provide evidence of resident satisfaction, supported by qualitative and quantitative data.

When applying, you will be allowed to upload a presentation to give the jury members a better impression through photos and videos.


Here's why:


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Best Sustainable Student Property

An award recognizing innovative student housing properties which have successfully incorporated sustainability throughout their (re)design, construction, and operation. These properties pave the way for next-generation living.

Who can apply

The property needs to have opened between November 2024 - 2025.

  • Student housing investors, developers, and operators
  • Architects & design firms

Application questions

To apply for this category, you will need to answer the below three questions. Each question will be evaluated based on a five-point scale and per answer there is a limit of 2000 characters.

  • How has innovation and sustainability been incorporated throughout the entire development i.e, design, construction, and operation?
  • How has environmental and social sustainability been incorporated?
  • What makes this property a trend-setter for the industry? What can others learn from the property?

When applying, you will be allowed to upload a presentation to give the jury members a better impression through photos and videos.


Here's why:


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Best Student Housing Operator

An award recognizing the student housing operators that have provided the best quality of living for their residents. The winner will have gone that extra mile in ensuring the best provision of services that go beyond just meeting the needs and desires of the next generation of students.

Who can apply

  • Student housing operators

Application questions

To apply for this category, you will need to answer the below three questions. Each question will be evaluated based on a five-point scale and per answer there is a limit of 2000 characters.

  • What are the identified needs and wants of the residents and which initiatives have you adopted to specifically address/fulfil them?
  • How does the layout and branding of the property contribute to social engagement amongst residents?
  • How satisfied are student residents with your brand? Please provide evidence of resident satisfaction, supported by qualitative and quantitative data.

When applying, you will be allowed to upload a presentation to give the jury members a better impression through photos and videos.


Here's why:


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Best Student Housing Investor

An award recognising student housing investors who demonstrate a commitment to social impact, sustainability, placemaking, and the overall economic and social growth of the communities and places in which they invest. Through this award, we aim to recognize and celebrate student housing investors who are leading the way in creating positive social and environmental change while delivering exceptional returns on their investments.

Who can apply

  • Private and public/social investors
  • Banks and Funds (Institutional, private, pension etc)
  • Investors behind university halls/campus development  

Application questions

To apply for this category, you will need to answer the below three questions. Each question will be evaluated based on a five-point scale and per answer there is a limit of 2000 characters.

  • Investment Strategy and Philosophy: Describe the overarching strategy and philosophy guiding your investments in student housing. Explain how your investments align with principles of social impact, sustainability, placemaking, and/or community development.
  • Originality and Innovation Investments: Highlight the unique aspects of your investment approach, including examples of your commitment to ESG, and diverse services or offerings that enhance the student living experience and contribute to the growth of the surrounding area.
  • Impact Assessment: Provide evidence of the impact of your investments on student residents and the local community. Include qualitative and/or quantitative data showcasing resident satisfaction, community engagement, environmental sustainability metrics, economic growth indicators, and any other relevant measures of success.

Applicants are encouraged to supplement their responses with a presentation showcasing their investment portfolio, sustainable practices, community engagement efforts, and impact metrics through photos, videos, and other visual aids.


Here's why:


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Best Student Housing Design

An award recognising ground-breaking student housing design with a clear understanding of function, form, and spirit. This category can relate to variety of areas such as the entire property, interior, a specific area, and/or landscaping. We’re looking for those spaces that have been meticulously thought out to match student resident needs.

Who can apply

  • Student housing investors, developers, and operators
  • Architects & designers

Application questions

To apply for this category, you will need to answer the below three questions. Each question will be evaluated based on a five-point scale and per answer there is a limit of 2000 characters.

  • What was the design thinking process for this property/area (i.e., philosophy & approach)?
  • What impact has the design had on student residents? Please provide qualitative/quantitative data to support this answer.
  • What are some of the lessons learned from this design?

When applying, you will be allowed to upload a presentation to give the jury members a better impression through photos and videos.


Here's why:

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Best Resident Wellbeing Programme

An award recognizing initiatives that have significantly improved student resident wellbeing. We are looking for great examples of programmes that promote and enhance student mental health and create a vibrant community life in student residences.

Who can apply

  • Shared living operators (incl. student housing & coliving)
  • Higher education institutions
  • Student-led unions and organisations

Application questions

To apply for this category, you will need to answer the below three questions. Each question will be evaluated based on a five-point scale and per answer there is a limit of 2000 characters.

  • What is your organisation’s approach to improving and addressing the mental health and wellbeing of residents?
  • To what extent has the initiative been developed with resident input and involved them in its implementation?
  • Are residents satisfied with the programme? Please provide qualitative and/or quantitative evidence.

When applying, you will be allowed to upload a presentation to give the jury members a better impression through photos and videos.


Here's why:


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Best PropTech Solution

An award recognising the development and application of innovative digital technology that contributes to enhancing the quality of student housing. The winning technology positively impacts various aspects such as resident satisfaction, retention rates, sustainability, efficiency, flexibility, and cost reduction.

Who can apply?

  • Student housing operators
  • Service providers

Application questions

To apply for this category, you will need to answer the below three questions. Each question will be evaluated based on a five-point scale and per answer there is a limit of 2000 characters.

  • Which digital solution have you implemented and how has it positively impacted student living and/or learning?
  • How does your solution support users in increased engagement, interaction, responsiveness and/or operational excellence?
  • How effective has your solution been? Please provide qualitative and/or quantitative evidence to support your answer.

When applying, you will be allowed to upload a presentation to give the jury members a better impression through photos and videos.


Here's why:


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Best Mixed-Use Development

An award recognizing shared living developments that have successfully created the ultimate space and place for a variety of tenants and activities. As concluded at our previous conference, The Future is Blended! Especially now with covid-19, we've seen a rapid increase in mixed-use developments that combine places to work, learn, and live. Examples of blends we've observed include coworking, coliving, student living, senior living, retail, micro-living, short/long stay. We're eager to hear your blend! The development needs to have been launched between 2024 - 2025.

Who can apply

  • Operators, investors, and developers
  • Architects and design firms

Application questions

To apply for this category, you will need to answer the below three questions. Each question will be evaluated based on a five-point scale and per answer there is a limit of 2000 characters.

  • How is this development mixed-use, which blend(s) does it incorporate? It can relate to your offerings, tenants, and/or services.
  • Why was mixed-use considered and what are the benefits of mixed use in terms of business plan & operational performance?
  • What are the social value creators of this property? If possible, please provide qualitative and quantitative performance indicators.

When applying, you will be allowed to upload a presentation to give the jury members a better impression through photos and videos.


Here's why:


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Best Affordable Housing Initiative

At The Class Foundation, we believe every student should have and be able to have access to a place to call home. This means, our community needs to work together to offer a variety of housing solutions and price offerings. With this award, we want to spotlight initiatives that positively impact student housing affordability, i.e., research projects, pilots, policy changes, scholarships, grants etc.

Who can apply

  • Student housing investors, developers, and operators
  • Policy makers – government, city, departments
  • Higher education institutions
  • Student organisations, foundations, NGO’s
  • Service providers

Application questions

To apply for this category, you will need to answer the below three questions. Each question will be evaluated based on a five-point scale and per answer there is a limit of 2000 characters.

  • How has this initiative been able to create affordability?
  • What has the impact been so far? Please provide quantitative/qualitative data to support this answer.
  • How can this initiative become scalable?

When applying, you will be allowed to upload a presentation to give the jury members a better impression through photos and videos.


Here's why:


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Previous Awards.

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